NARRATOR: Arthur Dent, roused from a century-long cryonic nap, finds himself aboard the Starship Cupcake, a ship as sweet and delightful as a tax audit. Its captain, the inscrutable Janaxia, leads an eccentric crew that includes Arthur's old chum Ford Prefect.

ARTHUR: (Groggily) Where... is this?

FORD: Arthur! You're finally awake! Welcome to the Starship Cupcake. Time flies when you're frozen, it seems.

ARTHUR: (Confused) Cupcake? Why was I a popsicle?

JANAXIA: You were a very lucky cosmic ice cube, it seems. We just happened to stumble upon your time capsule and thought it would be fun to defrost you. You've come back to consciousness just in time for an exciting adventure.

ARTHUR: (Sighs) Adventure? I just want a hot cup of tea and a chance to regain my sanity!

FORD: Arthur, when has sanity ever helped us?

NARRATOR: As Arthur resigns himself to his new reality, Janaxia spins a tale about their quest to locate the G'largh Stone, an artifact so important it could make or break a game of interstellar marbles. They set off in the Starship Cupcake, slicing through the cosmos like a butter knife through quantum jelly.


NARRATOR: Our brave crew, on a journey as perilous as a game of hopscotch on a motorway, ventures forth. Let's consult the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for more on this G'largh Stone, a name so hard to pronounce that many have choked on their own tongues trying.


NARRATOR: (Reading from the Guide) The G'largh Stone: Created by the Zylphorians, a race so advanced they disappeared eons ago after realizing the futility of existence. The stone, glowing like a neon sign outside a dodgy bar, holds immense power. It can either light up a planet like a Christmas tree or blow it up like a badly baked souffle.

Debates about the stone's power could fill entire libraries, if anyone bothered to write them down. Some believe it's the key to the universe, while others think it's an overrated paperweight. Regardless, every Tom, Dick, and alien warlord wants to get their appendages on it.

If you ever find yourself on a quest for this stone, remember: caution is key, good company is essential, and knowing where your towel is, is absolutely crucial.


Back on the ship, Ford attempts to explain a century of galactic events to Arthur, a task as easy as explaining the concept of social media to a rock.

ARTHUR: (Intrigued) So, tea has become a galactic phenomenon?

FORD: You bet! There are planets where the tea leaves sing to you before you brew them.

ARTHUR: (Amused) That's... strangely charming.